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Download Medal of Honor Pacific Assault PC, The game puts the player in the role of Pvt. Thomas Conlin, a U.S. Marine in the Pacific Theatre of Operations, stationed aboard the USS Arizona during World War II. He arrives at Pearl Harbor early on the morning of December 7, As the planes begin the attack, he takes part in the defence by. EA Los Angeles. Medal of Honor Airborne™. It's In The Play List. Join EA Play. Learn More. Medal of Honor Airborne™. Take to the skies in Medal of Honor Airborne, where you’ll drop into grueling ground attacks in a bid to turn the tide of WWII. Game Features. Affordance AI. Medal of Honor: Airborne é um jogo de tiro em primeira pessoa baseado na Segunda Guerra Mundial, e o décimo primeiro da série de guerra mais famosa da Electronic Arts. A nova versão da franquia traz a história das tropas aerotransportadas e dos soldados que, literalmente, pularam de pára-quedas no meio das batalhas que decidiram o fim da.